The Lion´s Disease
A Novel
The Lions Disease
Kaj Bernhard Genell
Thirty-five-year-old Sam Diggerson ( the NARRATOR ) is hired
as a 3rd officer on m/s Punjab of London. As soon as he is
onboard and the ship has started on his journey to Surabaya,
all of a sudden a Mrs. Williamson gets sick. One-sided blindness
has hit her. But it is no ordinary disease. It turns out
it stays with her and has a strange form. The blindness
alternates from one side to the other side. Continuously.
A lion in a cargo hatch is found to be the source.
Soon, this new, horrendous sickness, which troubles Mrs.
Williamson, is highly contagious. Several others on m/s
Punjab get the disease, and it turns out that the whole
world fears for this, The Lions Disease .
Soon the British
Gov. decides to offer the crew on the unlucky ship to go to
Tristan da Cunha. The vessel is not allowed to go to
port anywhere.
The clever captain of the ship turns this offer down.
The captain, crew, and animal carers try to make the best of the situation.
Soon the world, however, gets a new surprise, and something perhaps still worse to think of…..
This novel was originally written in English,
for then to be translated by the author into his
native Swedish idiom:
In Swedish:
Ett stort fartyg, en Geared Bulk Carrier, - m/s Punjab - lämnar Londons hamn med, bland mycket annat, ett lejon i lasten. Inte långt efter man kommit ut till havs märker man att det grasserar en alldeles ny sjukdom ombord.
Tredjestyrman Diggerson och Kapten Stork gör under den långa färden till Surabaya sitt bästa för att rädda fartyg, besättning och hela världen från en hotande ny världsepidemi...
Kaj Bernh. Genell 2022
Copyright © Kaj Bernh. Genell 2022